Recap | Mr Maovember at Home Plate BBQ


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Home Plate BBQ hosted the facial hair affair of the season last Saturday. The first-ever Mr Maovember Contest saw plaques awarded in a number of categories, from ‘best styled mustache‘ to ‘best business beard‘. Each contestant took the stage to announce the category in which he was competing and to tell personal facial-hair related stories, whether it was a much-loved ‘stache style or how a celebrity — say, Tom Selleck — had inspired him. Both contestants and observers also enjoyed a range of beverages from Jing-A, Karl Strauss, Kentucky Bourbon Ale and Table & Vine, with proceeds going to charity. When the last award was given and the last Four Pillars G&T, Fireball shot and craft brew consumed, 1880.5 kuai had been raised for Maovember.

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Maovember focuses on quirky events for good causes. Our 2022 partner is Library Project, which has furnished thousands of reading rooms in rural schools. Learn more about Maovember here. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter.