Maovember 2016 kicked off last Friday with pins, games and drinks at XL Restaurant & Bar. The event raised rmb1940 through darts and rmb400 through picklebacks and saw over 100 pins sold. Bar and restaurant reps picked up pin packages and there were lots of individual donors, too. See this collage for pics of some of this year’s pin buyers and below for pics from this year’s launch party.

Paul Rochon and Zach Lewison were first on the scene at XL and tested the “bloodsucker” cocktails made by XL manager Jane Cui.

Maovember’s Paul Rochon and Jim Boyce with XL Restaurant & Bar owner Jane Cui and the fancy new banner.

There were plenty of individual donors, including veteran Maovember supporter Ailish (center), who bought ten pins.

Restaurant and bar reps grabbed packages of ten pins or more, including from Cafe de la Poste, Punjabi, Beer Mania, Home Plate Barbecue, Paddy O’Shea’s, CHEERS and Irish Volunteer.

Tyler Roessel was winner of some nice glassware due to his stunning darts score. He was also the first person to buy a pin at the launch party.

Petar from the Australia embassy won a half-dozen prizes through the darts games–and bought ten pins. Jack Zhou helped run the games.

Prizes included bubbly donated by CHEERS and “bloodsucker” drinks made by Jane Cui. Proceeds from pickleback sales also went to charity.

This year’s Steering Group: Zach Lewison, Edouard Simon, Alex Jennings, Paul Rochon and Jim Boyce. The sixth member, Steven Schwankert, will be back to Beijing soon!
Thanks again to Jane Cui of XL for hosting the launch party and to everyone who provided support.
Maovember focuses on quirky events for good causes. Our 2022 partner is Library Project, which has furnished thousands of reading rooms in rural schools. Learn more about Maovember here. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter.