Paddy O’Shea’s included a Maovember pickleback fundraiser as part of its 13th anniversary party this year. A pickleback is a booze shot, typically Jameson, followed by a pickle juice shot, and has been our unofficial Maovember drink since 2013.
This year’s fundraiser featured two pickle juices. One by chef Jeff Powell–of bar That One Place–aged for six weeks and loaded with savory goodness, the other by chef Ray Heng of Mexican restaurant Pebbles and aged with whole jalapenos for a spicy bite.
Picklebacks were rmb30 each and when the last shot was done, the event had raised 2,310 kuai / 23,100 mao for Maovember.
Maovember focuses on quirky events for good causes. Our 2022 partner is Library Project, which has furnished thousands of reading rooms in rural schools. Learn more about Maovember here. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter.