Three “hair of the dog” events for Maovember!


On Monday, Maovember 2017 topped its goal of one million mao and then officially wrapped up its campaign with a rowdy closing bash at Paddy O’Shea’s on Thursday night—full report to come. But for those who still want to contribute, there are three “hair of the dog” events this weekend to help buy much-needed equipment for Bread of Life and The  Library Project.

December 2

SantaCon at Beijing

Every year, a sleigh full of people dress as Santa and do a day-long tour of Beijing that includes bars, restaurants and cafes. Get into the spirit for this year’s SantaCon on December 2, with funds raised will be donated to Maovember. The Santas will gather at The Local at 11:30 and then head out from there. (Santa outfits are available for purchase.) See here for more details.

Saturday, December 2, 6:30 PM

Chili Pepper Contest at Punjabi

The Beijinger annual chili eating contest at Punjabi will double as a Maovember fundraiser. Watch eight fire-eating contestants from eight nations go through a half-dozen rounds of increasingly spicy chilies. Want to watch? Tickets are rmb100 and include a buffet and pepper samples. More details here. Or you can sign up for a ticket direct with this QR code (100 seats in total, first come, first served):

Sunday, December 3, 14:00-18:00

Maovember Shave Off at The Hatchery

Get ready to say zai jian to your five-week old mustache with the Maovember Shave Off at The Hatchery. Get a shave, a whiskey melt sandwich, a Jing-A stout and a shot of Jameson for just rmb80, all funds to Maovember! The Hatchery is also donating proceeds from Jameson picklebacks, Jameson Ginger Ale & Lemon, and Jing-A and Jameson combos. This event will unofficially wrap up the Maovember 2017 campaign so come out for one last celebration of a successful month of fundraising!

Thanks again to everyone who has already attended this year’s events and hope to see you a few more times before we wrap up Maovember 2017!

Jia mo! Official Maovember closing party at Paddy O’Shea’s tonight


Maovember will officially wrap up at Paddy O’Shea’s tonight with its best closing party ever. Here is what to expect:

  • Two bands.
  • CHEERS mulled wine, Jameson picklebacks and Orchard Pig cider, all proceeds to charity.
  • Hockey and dart games for charity.
  • A draw for, you guessed it, charity.
  • The weighing of the winner of the “win your weight in wine” contest.
  • Handover of the first donations to 2017 partners Bread of Life and Library Project.
  • Lots of Maovember supporters, from individual donors to our bar, restaurant and vendor partners.
  • Last, but certainly not least, the capping of Mike Wester’s month-long, 900-km mission. Mike will time his 899th km for 8 PM, we’ll walk the 900th km together, then the party gets starts.

We’ll be on hand at 7:30 PM, Mike’s last km is at 8 PM, group photos, donation hand-overs are just after 9 PM, and the music, drinks and games are all night. Paddy O’Shea’s is opposite the Australian Embassy (see details here). Hope to see you tonight!

(If you can’t make it, we also have three “hair of the dog events”: SantaCon Beijing and the Beijinger Chili Eating Contest at Punjabi, both on December 2, and the Hatchery Maovember Shave Off on December 3. More details here.)


Jia mo! Maovember tops 1 million mao with four events to go!


Maovember 2017 topped its goal of one million mao this week with a donation of rmb888 from Neil Holt. Thanks to Neil and the hundreds and hundreds of other people who have supported this year’s campaign. The money will buy much-needed equipment for Bread of Life and The Library Project.

We still have four exciting events to help add to the total!

 Thursday, November 30, 7:30 PM

Official Maovember Closing at Paddy O’Shea’s

This official closing party is always an epic night of fun. Expect two bands, a Jameson pickleback bar, a CHEERS mulled wine station, Orchard Pig cider, hockey and darts games, and a fantastic draw. Mike Wester will cap his 900-km month-long mao-a-thon when he arrives that night. And we will weigh the winner of CHEERS’ “win your weight in wine” contest and award the bottles on the spot. If this closing party is like the last few, it is going to be a blast.

December 2

SantaCon at Beijing

Every year, a sleigh full of people dress as Santa and do a day-long tour of Beijing that includes bars, restaurants and cafes. Get into the spirit for this year’s SantaCon on December 2: funds raised will be donated to Maovember. See here for more details.

Saturday, December 2, 6:30 PM

Chili Pepper Contest at Punjabi

The Beijinger annual chili eating contest at Punjabi will double as a Maovember fundraiser. Watch eight fire-eating contestants from eight nations go through a half-dozen rounds of increasingly spicy chilies. Want to watch? Tickets are rmb100 and include a buffet and pepper samples. More details here. Or you can sign up for a ticket direct with this QR code (100 seats in total, first come, first served):

Sunday, December 3, 14:00-18:00

Maovember Shave Off at The Hatchery

Get ready to say zai jian to your five-week old mustache with the Maovember Shave Off at The Hatchery. Get a shave, a whiskey melt sandwich, a Jing-A stout and a shot of Jameson for just rmb80, all funds to Maovember! The Hatchery is also donating proceeds from Jameson picklebacks, Jameson Ginger Ale & Lemon, and Jing-A and Jameson combos. This event will unofficially wrap up the Maovember 2017 campaign so come out for one last celebration of a successful month of fundraising!

Thanks again to everyone who has already attended this year’s events and hope to see you a few more times before we wrap up Maovember 2017!

Recap | Mystery Wine Party raises 86,700 mao!


There wasn’t a pizza, brownie or bottle left when the third annual Mystery Wine Party wrapped up at Q Bar on Sunday. With rmb500 from pin sales and personal donations, and additional funds from an ice bucket game, the event raised 86,700 mao (rmb 8,670) for Maovember.

Mystery Wine sees distributors donate at least five bottles, each worth at least rmb150. These are then wrapped and sold for rmb100, with buyers hopefully finding exciting new wines to try.

Wine donors this year included Australian NaturalGrape Wall of China, La Cava de Laoma, Le Wine, Le Sommelier International, Le Wine, Nongchao Wine, Ponty, Rory Quirk, Seina Growers ChampagneSignature Wine Club and The Wine Republic

Gung Ho! donated three kinds of pizzas while Bread of Life provided brownies. There were also draw prizes from Seina, Ponty, Paul Rochon, Orchard Pig and Jing-A. Q Bar hosted the event and provided glassware, with DJ Peter Stone handling the music.

All in all, it was a fine day of fine wines at fantastic prizes, all for a good cause!

Recap | BIIH holds hockey bash at Irish Volunteer


Update: Since the party, BIIH member Terry Linton has raised rmb 2,750, fellow member Thomas Garran donated rmb 1,000 and a further rmb 200 was raised in T-shirt sales. Well-done, guys!

The Beijing International Ice Hockey crew traded ice sheets for cubes on Saturday night as they held a fund-raising bash at Irish Volunteer / Hockey Bar. The event included a silent auction and personal donations on top of the sale of the annual BIIH mustache T-shirts. Add live music and lots of beverages and it was a fun night. The total for Saturday was over 39,000 mao (rmb3,900), with the guys saying T-shirts sales are still to come. Well-done, BIIH!

Recap | Schnapps-fest at Groovy Schiller’s!


Schnapps from Germany, Austria and Switzerland featured at a Maomember fundraiser last night by newcomer Groovy Schiller’s. Attendees each paid rmb150 to try nine Schnapps, with co-owner Johan Marchart explaining the differences between them.

Meanwhile, fellow co-owner Jack Zhou was running a darts game. For rmb20, players threw three darts with each the left and right hand. Anyone over 80 points won prizes, including single malt.

After a night of raising glasses and throwing darts, Groovy Schiller’s had raised 31,600 mao (rmb3,160) for Maovember!

See how to support Maovember here and follow us on Facebook here.

Recap | Caravan hosts second ‘Mao’roccan’ Thanksgiving feast!


After a popular feast last year, Caravan returned with second helpings of its ‘Mao’roccan’ Thanksgiving meal. From the ras el hanout butternut squash soup to the turkey with sweet potato and cranberry tajine, Caravan owner Badr Benjelloun put a Moroccan twist on holiday classics.

Guests were asked to buy Maovember pins and donate rmb100 minimum for the meal, with seatings at both 6 PM and 8 PM. Caravan also donated sales of mulled apple cider, donated by Orchard Pig. After the meal, Caravan went from Mao’roccan to rockin’ as customers enjoyed live music.

With money from 45 pins and ‘Mao’roccan’ meals, a dozen mulled cider and personal donations, Caravan raised an impressive 74,500 mao (rmb7,450) for Maovember!

See how to support Maovember here and follow us on Facebook here.


Recap | ‘Paws for a cause’ with Dog Pub Crawl!


The first Maovember Dog Pub Crawl saw dozens of our four-legged friends, of almost every shape and size, tour the Sanlitun area. Everyone gathered at the first stop Beer Mania, then visited The Local, XL Bar & Restaurant and Paddy O’Shea’s before winding up at Jing-A. At each venue, the people got a beverage while the pooches got snacks courtesy of Penny’s Food Studio. With 31 attendees, these “paws for a cause” raised 31,000 mao (rmb3,100) for Maovember!

See how to support Maovember here and follow us on Facebook here.