MaovemBEER | Nine venue, five city event raises rmb25,000+


Nine craft brewers in five cities teamed up on November 4 for a night devoted to good beer and good causes. With 14 venues participating—in Beijing, Kunming, Shanghai, Tianjin and Wuhu—it was the most wide-ranging Maovember event so far.

Each venue donated rmb10 or more per beer sold to Maovember, with some doing activities that ranged from beer pong to trivia to draws. The event, known as Super Beers for Books, or perhaps more appropriately MaovemBEER, included Boxing Cat from Shanghai, WE Brewery from Tianjin, Shangri-La from Yunnan, Myth Monkey from Wuhu, and Arrow Factory, Dirty Duck Pub, Great Leap, Panda and Slow Boat from Beijing.

Most members of this year’s Maovember Steering Group were visiting the Beijing venues that night, grabbing beers like Panda Too Naive pale ale, Dirty Duck stout, Slow Boat raspberry pale ale, Great Leap cinnamon rock ale and Arrow Factory Back in Black stout. Meanwhile, customers and staff from all over China posted photos on social media.

This event raised rmb27,379 for charity from beers and games, including (in alphabetical order) from Arrow Factory (rmb1,829), Boxing Cat (3 venues: rmb8,100), WE Brewery (2 venues: rmb3,500), Shangri-La (rmb1,040) Myth Monkey (rmb80), Dirty Duck Pub (rmb2,000), Great Leap (3 venues: rmb5,000) Panda (rmb1,630) and Slow Boat (rmb4,280). That translates to a whopping 273,790 mao for Maovember and its 2016 partners Library Project and Good Works! Thanks to all of the venues and customers who supported this effort!

And check out these collages, one with photos from venues all over China and one from our pub crawl.



Mental for Maovember | Q Mex raises rmb2000+ with quiz


Maovember went mental mid-week as Q Mex held its third annual charity quiz on November 9. With quiz masters Jay and Reece at the helm, a full house of teams competed in six rounds of brain-teasers and raised money from entry fees, a draw for rmb500, rmb200 and rmb100 Q Mex gift certificates, and frozen margaritas. Our team, Maovember Reign, held second spot until one wrong answer in the final round cost us victory. Didn’t matter as the drinks, half-price nachos and draw made it a most excellent night. Thanks to Q Mex manager Lucy Li for hosting an event that raised rmb2139, including rmb1000 from the raffle and rmb1139 from entry fees, drinks and donations!


Secret sipping | Mystery Wine Party returns!


maovember-2015-mystery-wine-posterOne of Maovember’s best bashes last year was the Mystery Wine Party. The idea was simple: a bunch of niche suppliers each donated five or more bottles with a retail price of rmb120-plus per wine, with some close to rmb500 or even rmb1000. The bottles were then wrapped in gift paper and sold at rmb100. People ended up unwrapping their bottles and enjoying, and sharing, wines they might never have otherwise tried. Good times! (See photos below.) Add a “wine flights” paper airplane race and some personal donations, and the event raised rmb10,000.

Mystery Wine Party returns again this year, with 1421, Australian Natural, Grape Wall of China, La Cava, Le Sommelier International, Lewine, Pasion, Ponty and Seina all donating wine—if you plan to go, I really, really, really encourage you to RSVP—on November 6 at Q Bar. And this year, baozi-pizza specialists Baozza will sell 100 of their treats at rmb10 each. All money from the wine races, snacks and paper airplane races go to charity. Want to join? Give me a heads up at nihao (at)

Read more about last year’s party here and about Maovember here.

Mystery Wine Party La Cava de Laoma Beijing 2 maovember 2015 mystery wine party at la cava de laoma.jpg

MaovemBEER | Craft brewers in five cities team up this Friday!



Super Beers for Books is set to go this Friday with partners in five cities—Boxing Cat in Shanghai, WE in Tianjin, Shangri-La in Yunnan, Myth Monkey in Wuhu and Arrow Factory, Dirty Duck, Great Leap, Panda and Slow Boat in Beijing. Each will donate rmb10 or more of each beer sold to Maovember and its education-focused charity partners, Library Project and Good Works. Expect fun and games at select venues, too! Here are the events, in alphabetical order, by city and venue. (Reach us via nihao (at)


Arrow Factory | The Liangma River branch will donate 12 kuai (120 mao) of each beer sold from 7 PM to 11 PM. Donate 20 (200 mao) and get a chance at one-on-one trivia, a blind beer tasting challenge or a spin on the beer “wheel of destiny”. (Let’s face it, beer IS destiny.) John points first-timer visitors to the Heart of Darkness Belgian Bruin and, given the cold weather, Back in Black Stout.

North side of Taoyuan Diplomatic Compound on Liangma He South Road, just off Xindong Road (see this map).

The Dirty Duck: From 6 PM to 2 AM, 12 kuai (120 mao) of the bill (duck, bill, get it?) for every beer goes to charity. Attendees can expect beer pong and a few drinking contests, says Henry, who recommends the English IPA and Irish stout, and adds there will be a car bomb shot special featuring the latter.

19 Beiluogu Xiang Dongcheng District 东城区 北锣鼓巷19号

Great Leap: From 6 PM to close, at all three locations, Great Leap will donate 12 kuai (120 mao) every time it sells one its four original beers—Honey Ma Gold, Cinnamon Rock Ale, East City Porter and Pale Ale #6. Try ’em all! GLB’s Jimmy especially recommends first-timers give the Honey Ma and Pale Ale a taste.

GLB #6 豆角胡同店 | 6 Doujiao Hutong, Di’Anmenwai Avenue, Dongcheng District 北京市东城区 地安门外大街豆角胡同6号
GLB #12 工体店 | Room 101 Ziming Mansion, B12 Xinzhong Street, Dongcheng District 北京市东城区 新中街乙 12号紫铭大厦 101室
GLB #45 新源街店 | 45-1 Xinyuan Street, Chaoyang District 北京市 朝阳区 新源街 45-1号

Panda: Every beer sold on Friday at this Beixinqiao-area brew pub means 10 kuai (100 mao) for Maovember. There will also be games involving bottles and balloons—sounds like things could get wild! Shao Yan says the Red Honey Ale, Too Young Wheat and Too Fool IPA are good beers to try.

Dongzhimen Nei and Gui Jie 14 Dongsi Bei Dajie (west end of Gui Jie) Dongcheng District 东四北大街14号(簋街西头)

Slow Boat: These brewers will ship (ha!) ten kuai (100 mao) to Maovember for every beer sold at its new three-story venue. There will also be games of 21 against the staff (a.k.a. The House) to win vouchers. Chandler suggests newcomers try the Pole Star Pils, Raspberry Pale Ale and Chocolate Sea Salt Stout.

#6 South Sanlitun Street 三里屯路6号(马路东)


Shangri-La Beer: These guys are bringing their beer from the lofty heights of Shangri-La to Yunnan’s capital city of Kunming. Check out The Turtle, where every bottle of Shangri-La sold between 9 PM and 11 PM means 10 kuai (100 mao) for Maovember. And word is that the Super Beers for Books event will mean a Super Flip Cup contest!

1F, 11 Jianshe Road, Xiexin Tiandi


Boxing Cat | In 2015, Boxing Cat became the first venue beyond Beijing to support Maovember. This year, it’s coming out fighting as all three venues will donate 10 kuai (100 mao) per beer to the cause. Huan says the Ringside Red Amber Lager, Contender Extra Pale Ale and TKO IPA rank among the most popular brews.

Sinan Mansions branch | Unit 26A 519 Fu Xing Road Central 思南公馆 26A单元 黄浦区复兴中路 519号
Yong Fu branch | 82 Fu Xing Road West (near Yong Fu Road) 徐汇区复兴西路82号
Hong Qiao branch | The Place HQ, 100 Zun Yi Road (near Zi Yun Road) 虹桥南丰城步行街 长宁区遵义路100号


WE Brewery | Both WE venues will donate 10 kuai (100 mao) per beer sold from 5 PM to 2 AM. Owner Steve also plans an exciting game called “drink as much beer as you can so we can raise more money!” For first-timers, he recommends the 5 Blvd, with five malts and five hops, and the Piglet’s Kiss Smoked Ale.

WE Brewery | 4 Yi He Li, Xi An Street, He Ping District
WE Taproom | 109, Building 23, Tian Xi, Ao Cheng, Nan Kai District


Myth MonkeyThis brewery will pour at Faith Bar in Wuhu’s party district, with 20 kuai (200 mao) from each beer to Maovember all night long. Expect to play some beer pong, says Zongwen. who cites the Latte Stout as among the must-try Myth Monkey brews. Don’t monkey around, get over to Faith on Friday for some tasty beers.

Faith Bar | Yu Geng Shang Bar District, Wuhu, Anhui

Recap | Irish Volunteer / Hockey Bar corn toss classic raises rmb4400


The fourth annual Irish Volunteer / Hockey Bar charity corn toss classic threw down a full afternoon—and evening—of fun last Saturday. As usual, the corn toss was highly competitive, with some participants having the added challenge of playing in Halloween costumes. Mike Kusy and Curtis Dracz of Team Niagara AKA 905 took this year’s title.

The day also featured shots, including Pickle Zachs (moonshine followed by pickle juice), a draw, and a costume contest. The draw was packed with prizes such as wine, Good Works coffee, gift certificates and hockey gear.

All that, plus tasty eats liked pulled pork sandwiches and head-bopping music from DJ Big Mike, made for a fun event. And one that raised rmb4400 for Maovember. Thanks to Zach, Trish and everyone at Irish Volunteer for a great day!


Recap | French vs Chinese wines at Cafe de la Poste


Eager tasters tested their tongues on French and Chinese wines during an event at Cafe de la Poste on October 27. Attendees tried pairs of wines, one French and one Chinese, blind and guessed what country each one hailed from and voted on what they liked best. With eight wines on hand, there was plenty to go around and plenty of debate, too. Afterward, attendees played ‘basket-bola’–using paper balls and an ice bucket in lieu of a basket—-for rmb10 per game and enjoyed Good Works coffee shots at rmb20 per serving, with all funds to Maovember. All in the all, the event raised rmb900 from the tasting and rmb530 from the coffee shots and basket-bola, for a total of rmb1430. Thanks to Justin and the team at Cafe de la Poste!


Recap | Paddy’s O’Shea’s quiz, Maovember Man raise rmb3200


Over 50 people put their brains together to help charity as Paddy O’Shea’s held its third annual Maovember quiz on October 26. This year’s event included rounds focused on topics related to Maovember (mustaches) and its 2016 partners Good Works (coffee) and Library Project (books). The fundraising effort also include revenue from picklebacks and, a few days later, corn toss sessions with a mystery character known as Maovember Man. The total raised from pins, drinks and games was rmb3200. Nice work Paul and team—and Maovember man!


Use your brain! Third annual Paddy O’Shea’s Maovember quiz night


Got a brain? Use it tonight! The third annual Paddy O’Shea’s charity quiz has themed rounds for Maovember (mustaches!) and this year’s partners Good Works (coffee!) and Library Project (books!). The action starts at 8 PM, Wednesday, October 26. The rmb50 entry fee includes a beer, cider or mixed drink plus a pin. There will be picklebacks, too, for rmb30, all proceeds to charity. Find the venue directions here. And pencil in November 18 for another awesome Maovember party at Paddy O’Shea’s.
