Super VIPs | Schwankert, Jordan & Peel post first individual donations


Steven Schwankert Michael Jordan and Sarah Peel Super VIP Maovember Donors 2015.jpg

We consider those who spend 50 kuai for a Maovember pin to be our VIPs, specifically, a member of our ‘500 Mao Club‘. But last year some people wanted to donate enough to fund one eye surgery — rmb800 — and we deemed them ‘Super VIPs‘. That’s called marketing.

We already have three donations, made three unique ways, this year. Steven Schwankert, founder of SinoScuba and executive editor of The Beijinger, met with a Maovember organizer and donated rmb800 on the spot. (He was first to do so last year, too.) Michael Jordan, brewmaster at Boxing Cat Brewery in Shanghai, contacted us by email about supporting Maovember and then used the online system to make a donation. And Sarah Peel, who teaches at Shanghai Livingston American School after a long stint in education in Beijing where she introduced Kindermusik to the city, donated via wechat while riding Line 11 of the subway in Shanghai. Thanks of the support!

If you want to sponsor an operation or have questions about maovember, email nihao (at)

Recap | Pop-Up Beijing fundraiser tops 元3000


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Plenty of people popped in to Pop-Up Beijing yesterday for the bar’s official opening / Maovember fundraiser, including George Smith of Orbis, this year’s charity partner. Patrons drank the dozen bottles of donated Yealand Shiraz and Baby Doll Sauvignon Blanc, which sold at rmb30 per glass with all funds to charity, so Pop-Up donated half of the sales of its house wines, also at rmb30 per glass. Quite a few people also tried the New Zealand Taizi baijiu at rmb20 shot. The Baby Doll Sheep Photo Contest didn’t quite pan out — it might have had something to do with the amount of wine and baijiu consumed — although some people managed to get T-shirts on them.

When the cash was counted, it totaled rmb2,990, so a pair of baijiu shots were ordered for Pop-Up co-owner Glenn Schuitman and to cross that 3K mark and end at rmb3,030. Thanks to Pop-Up for a fun Sunday party!

See a list of upcoming events here.

Maodown at Migas | Maovember El Asador Brunch this Saturday


Migas El Asador Maovember Brunch Beijing China.jpg

Migas’ Manly Mustache Maovember Meat Mania Maodown is as must-attend as meals go. True, I might have stretched that name a bit since the event is officially titled Maovember El Asador Brunch, but if you’ve experienced a Saturday Migas feast — see here — you’ll understand way.

As usual, brunch includes grilled meats straight from the josper oven, along with lots of stews, saladsdesserts, fresh breads and more (see photos at bottom). This one will also have special treats, including mustache-shaped cookies.

The brunch is from noon to 3 PM and costs rmb210. Sales from drinks, including sangria, gin and tonics, wine by the glass and bottle, and more, will be available a la carte and go to Maovember.

And there’s more.

porron photo

Migas will also host The Porron Cup. Team members will use a porron — a glass container with a thin spout — to pour wine into each other’s mouths without breaking the stream. Check out this “extreme porroning” video. And remember, don’t cross the streams! The entry fee is rmb20 per player, which goes to charity, and the winners get prizes and eternal glory.

Want to make sure you get a seat at the Maovember El Asador Brunch? Reserve a spot by calling 5208-6061.

Here is a bunch of photos from a el asador brunch I attended at Migas earlier this year.


Maovember pins | Where to buy your 2015 fashion statement


500 Mao Club Collage 1 Maovember 2015

Here are some spots to pick up your Maovember 2015 pin, an attractive accoutrement for almost any fashion ensemble. As per tradition, pins cost rmb50 each, with all funds to Maovember and, via Orbis, the mission of funding cataract surgeries for elderly men in rural China.

Get your pin seller to take a photo of you and your purchase and we’ll include it in a ‘500 Mao Club’ collage, like the one below. If you want to be sure the pins aren’t sold out, check before you go via the links to our partners:

I’ll post updates as more venues stock pins. Buy early, buy often!

Maovember 2015 '500 Mao Club'1

Event | Pop-Up to combine new bar launch with New Zealand wine and baijiu fundraiser


glenn schuitman vito zhang pop-up beijing pub bar beijing china

Pop-Up Beijing will use the official launch of its in-house bar on Sunday, August 8, to hold a Maovember fundraiser — from 4 PM to 10 PM — that features New Zealand wine, baijiu and sheep. Iconic New Zealand winery Yealands will donate a dozen bottles of Peter Yealands Syrah and Baby Doll Sauvignon Blanc, to be sold at rmb30 per glass during Sunday’s event, with all funds to Maovember. Yealands will also provide plush baby doll sheep toys to be used for a photo contest. (It introduced Baby Doll sheep to the vineyards to control grass and weeds. See this video.)

Along with the wine, there will be pours of New Zealand baijiu Taizi, a spicy tipple made in Christchurch, hometown of co-owner Glenn Schuitman. It’s 20 kuai per serving, with all funds to charity. There will also be some kind of musical entertainment, although it is unclear whether or not it might include performances by Schuitman, a former opera singer.

You can find Pop-Up in Sanlitun South, on the ground floor of the building that sits between Jing-A and The Local. It’s open from noon to 10 PM, with a daily happy hour from 5 PM to 7 PM, when wines is available at rmb35 per glass. Bottle options are available from rmb180. For more details on the venue and its wines, also see this post.

glenn schuitman vito zhang pop-up beijing pub bar beijing china (2)

world baijiu day at pop-up beijing with gung ho yimuquan harmony wu ling byejoe taizi

I publish a free China wine newsletter about once a month. Sign up below!

Maovember 2015 | This Year’s Campaign


It’s almost Maovember! Here are a few highlights of this year’s campaign to fund cataract surgeries, via the charity Orbis, for men in rural China. (Click here for details on our partnership with Orbis.)

First, we not only have a new — and blue — pin design for 2015, but also will get support from Orbis for the costs of producing and distributing this year’s pins. The pins have posed logistical challenges in the past and hopefully Orbis’ support will make things easier and free up resources for events and other activities.

Second, we have a growing list of events lined up, including at Pop-Up Beijing, Paddy O’Shea’s, Irish Volunteer, Hockey Bar, Q Mex, Jing-A Taproom, Bungalow, Home Plate Barbecue and Beer Mania, with more in discussion. See the working list here.

Third, we are asking bars, restaurants, shops and other venues that sell Maovember pins for a minimum rmb500 buy-in. That covers the first ten pins and gets the venue’s name and link on our donors page. This will also help our campaign be more efficient.

Fourth, along with input from donors and venue reps from years past, a weixin group has been formed to help deal with macro issues and includes reps from last year’s top three fundraising venues (Zach Lewison from Irish Volunteer, Richard Ammerman from Jing-A and Paul R from Paddy O’Shea’s), two top individual donors (Steven Schwankert and Alex Jennings) and two co-founders (Julian Tavalin and Jim Boyce). In conjunction with all the input from other stakeholders, this will help involve more voices in the decision-making process.

Look for lots more posts on this site in the coming weeks!

Maovember 2015 | Orbis Back as Charity Partner


orbis site (2)

Call it double vision: Orbis is back as the charity partner for maovember. Donors were satisfied last year with the –pun intended — visible results last year, as Orbis used maovember funds for cataract surgeries for poor men in rural China. Progress was easy to measure given each operation cost rmb800 and we ultimately funded 131 surgeries (see list below). Given this, and a dearth of men’s charities in China, it made sense to again back Orbis.

Orbis will also devote more resources to this year’s effort. There will be more written materials, including pamphlets and fact sheets, to explain where donor money goes, and a page in the organization’s annual report to list contributors.

Orbis also offered to back the logistics involved in making, distributing and collecting money raised via our Maovember pins. These logistics are very time-consuming and support from Orbis will help free resources for events and other activities.

In terms of last year’s results, confidentiality rules mean we do not have the full names of all of the men who received surgeries. We do have case studies, like the one below, and will be getting more:

Orbis Case Study for Maovember.jpg

And we have a list of the surnames and ages of the men helped. Some received surgeries on both eyes but I have only listed them here once:

Mr Li (65), Mr Zhou (77), Mr Wang (69), Mr Li (59), Mr Hu (63), Mr Zhang (72), Mr Liu (81), Mr Chu (71), Mr Ying (61), Mr Zhu (75), Mr Wang (58), Mr Cao (66), Mr Qing (63), Mr Bei (58), Mr Fu (61), Mr Zhou (66), Mr Li (72), Mr Guan (56), Mr Wu (79), Mr Wu (66), Mr Ding (65), Mr Wang (71), Mr Pei (70), Mr Long (64), Mr Gao (69), Mr Pan (63), Mr Leung (61), Mr Xu (75), Mr Hu (64), Mr Lin (58), Mr Qing (61), Mr Min (65), Mr Lu (61), Mr Wang (50), Mr Dai (68), Mr Li (77), Zhang (73), Mr Chiu (59), Mr Rai (64), Mr Liu (72), Mr Ding (77), Mr Yang (59), Mr Lin (71), Mr Lang (66), Mr Cao (58), Mr Shi (79), Mr Liu (87), Mr Ren (68) Mr Xu (65), Mr Lu (80) Mr Wang (58), Mr Zhou (65), Mr Xin (64), Mr Hu (73), Mr Bei (65), Mr Wei (73), Mr Wong (72), Mr Zhang (66), Mr Deng (57), Mr Ling (63), Mr Zhang (68), Mr Wang (61), Mr Rong (59), Mr Li (79), Mr Li (62), Mr Lin (72), Mr Qing (70), Mr Hu (69), Mr Ding (73), Mr Jiang (62), Mr Shi (73), Mr Xie (54), Mr Liu (67), Mr Ying (58), Mr Wu (72), Mr Mo (86), Mr Xin (72), Mr Ping (82), Mr Xu (76), Mr Lu (66), Mr Han (64), Mr Ren (53), Mr Fu (72), Mr Ling (72), Mr Ming (85), Mr Zhou (71), Mr Min (77), Mr Hu  (59), Mr Chu (81), Mr Meng (63), Mr Bai (77), Mr Pan (62), Mr Fung (84), Mr Li (74), Mr Dou (65), Mr Min (69), Mr Zhang (55), Mr Liu (74) and Mr Gu (62).

Finally, we are talking with Orbis about having some key donors check out the Flying Eye Hospital early next year. More details on this soon!

orbis site

For more details on Orbis, please see this site. And keep an eye on this site for updates on events and fundraising totals!

Maovember 2015 | A First Look at the Events Schedule

irish volunteer charity corntoss classic village grouches sponsored by steven schwankert of sinoscuba.jpg

Last year’s charity corn toss tournament at Irish Volunteer / Hockey Bar.

Maovember 2015 is fast approaching and this year’s events schedule is coming together nicely. See the first draft below, with more activities to be added during the next week, including where to get your Maovember pins this weekend. There are also more posts in the queue, including a “what’s new / what’s old” one about Maovember. Here’s some of the fun to expect this month.

November 08


The official launch of Pop-Up’s bar on November 8 will double as a Maovember fundraiser. Plenty of corks will be popping to raise money and there will be an activity or two to keep guests amused..

November 11


One of the top three fundraisers last year, Paddy O’Shea’s is back with a charity quiz. Click here for more on last year’s event.

November 14


Some call it corn hole, some call it corn toss, we call it (somewhat) good clean fun. Find a partner, pay your team fee, and try your luck at tossing beanbags into a hole in a board about 50 feet away. For prizes and glory. Trust us, it’s addictive. And if this event is anything like last year, it’ll involve lots more shenanigans. See here.

November 18


Last year, Q-Mex held a charity quiz and raised over rmb3500 through team fees, tequila shot revenues, a raffle, and winnings from co-owner Stefan demolishing opponents in billiards. Details here. We’ll soon have more on Q-Mex’s plans for this year.

November 21


Expect these craft beer specialists to put their usual creative touches on this year’s Maovember activities.

November 25


Look for one of Beijing’s hottest new cocktail bars to merge tiki drink specials, a limbo contest and a Magnum P.I. theme–best ‘stache ever?–into a massive wave of fundraising.

November 28


Given his fashionable facial hair of years past, it makes sense that manager Dave Bob will host a Mr Maovember contest. Also expect a repeat of last year’s bingo action.

December 01


We’ll take things nice and easy with a “hair of the dog mustache” or two to ease out of this year’s campaign.

This schedule is a work in progress, given we are talking to venues such as Two Guys and a Pie, CHEERS, Beer Mania, Signature Wines and The Garage, among others, and will be updated soon.