Mashup Sports will go maoshup this weekend with two events to support maovember.
First up is The Turkey Bowl, an annual flag football game at Chaoyang Park at 1 PM.
Making it even better? Nearby Deli de Luxe will bring 45 servings of coffee and hot chocolate. Players and fans alike can get a beverage for 25 yuan. Want some extra kick? Add a shot of Bailey’s for 10 yuan.
All proceeds from player fees, coffee, hot chocolate and Bailey’s go to maovember.
On Sunday, the fun shifts to Kokomo in Sanlitun as Mashup holds its annual monthly beer pong tournament.
To sign up and play, click this link for flag football and this link for beer pong.
Finally, here’s a short Q&A I did a few days ago with David Craig of Mashup:
Q: There are lots of flag football groups, including IFFF, USFTL, IWFFA, PFFFFF! and FALALALA (I might have made those last two up), and lots of rule variations. What does The Turkey Bowl follow?
A: Definitely plenty of versions of flag football out there! Our mashup leagues follow the 5v5 format, which means everyone on the field is in on the action — there’s no confusion with who’s a “receiver” or isn’t. Our annual Turkey Bowl is the same way, though sometimes our sidelines get so big we have to upgrade to 6v6 or 7v7. Regardless of how or where the game is played, the important thing is spreading our love of the game globally!
Q: Can you explain in one sentence — or two, if you really need an extra one — what beer pong is all about?
A: Beer pong is all about combining friendly competition with a favorite past-time: drinking! It is worth an extra sentence to add this: it’s a ton of fun.
Q: Mashup, maovember and beer pong: Is the facial hair-inspired product at this link prove there is a higher power?
A: You know, sometimes fate leads you down a certain path; and other times it comes in a perfect product package online from Spencer’s. Looks like we know what equipment we need for next year’s mashup maovember campaign!