Mashup Sports is getting into the maovember spirit with two fun events this weekend: flag football and beer pong.
On Saturday, all are welcome to sign up for The Turkey Bowl, the annual Thanksgiving flag football game organized by Mashup. The event is from 1 PM to 3 PM at Chaoyang Park. For the map, address and sign-up details — there is space for 32 players — click here. The field fee of 50 yuan per person will be donated to maovember.
Follow that with Sunday FUNday, a spin on the monthly Mashup beer pong tournament at Kokomo in Sanlitun. As Mashup puts it, “Sink and drink your way to victory while having a great time and meeting some new faces.”
The tournament is from 3 PM to 7 PM and beginners are welcome: Even if you lose in the first round, you still win a pitcher of beer. Losers are winners!
The fee is 100 yuan per team, with all proceeds to maovember. There is only space for 16 teams — you can sign up here.
There will also be a raffle and a drinks deal. More details to come. And if you’d like to get a maovember pin at either of these events, talk to the Mashup guys!