Mashup Maoshup: Turkey Bowl and Beer Pong Fun this Weekend


maovember 2014 mashup turkey bowl

Mashup Sports is getting into the maovember spirit with two fun events this weekend: flag football and beer pong.

On Saturday, all are welcome to sign up for The Turkey Bowl, the annual Thanksgiving flag football game organized by Mashup. The event is from 1 PM to 3 PM at Chaoyang Park. For the map, address and sign-up details — there is space for 32 players — click here. The field fee of 50 yuan per person will be donated to maovember.

Follow that with Sunday FUNday, a spin on the monthly Mashup beer pong tournament at Kokomo in Sanlitun. As Mashup puts it, “Sink and drink your way to victory while having a great time and meeting some new faces.”

The tournament is from 3 PM to 7 PM and beginners are welcome: Even if you lose in the first round, you still win a pitcher of beer. Losers are winners!

The fee is 100 yuan per team, with all proceeds to maovember. There is only space for 16 teams — you can sign up here.

There will also be a raffle and a drinks deal. More details to come. And if you’d like to get a maovember pin at either of these events, talk to the Mashup guys!

maovember 2014 mashup beer pong

Seeing Results: The People Maovember 2014 Will Help


maovember 2014 mr xu

One of the goals of maovember is to show donors exactly where their money goes. Given we will fund cataract surgeries in rural China via Orbis, we want you to see who will literally see because of this year’s campaign.

Mr Xu (above), who had surgery two weeks ago, is the kind of person we will support. He suffered from poor vision for more than 30 years — over half of his life — and found working as a physical laborer and delivery vehicle operator move from being difficult to near impossible in recent years. Because of his physical limitations, he has struggled to find work at all and, in turn, to make a living.

Mr Xu received treatment when a team from Heilongjiang Provncial Eye Hospital visited the city of Shangzhi to do screenings and surgeries. With his sight restored, he is now confident of getting more work and making a better life for himself. (Details extracted from a case study by Wang Wei of Orbis.)

Here are some of the other men who have received treatment via Orbis this month.

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Maovember tops 40,000 yuan…


maovember fun

Maovember marked the midway point of its month-long campaign with a Funk Fever party at Migas and a wine tasting at La Cava that pushed total cash on hand past 40,000 yuan.

Funk Fever raised 3500 yuan and lifted the total raised at events to 17354 yuan. As an invite-only event, the wine tasting was included as a private donation, which now total 13,000 yuan.

Add 10,660 yuan worth of pins sales and the grand total now stands at 41,014 yuan, with more money from pins expected this week.

The next two maovember events are the Paddy O’Shea’s charity quiz / mystery draw and The Irish Volunteer charity corn toss classic. Hope to see everyone there!

Pin City: 500 Mao Club Collage #3 Is Up


We like to get photos of our pin buyers to show the diverse group of people who are supporting maovember and this year’s mission to fund cataract surgeries in China. Here’s the third collage of the 2014 campaign. You can see all of the collages here.

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Test your skill and luck at Paddy O’Shea’s special edition quiz


maovember 2014 paddy o'shea's quiz night

Get two chances to win this Wednesday at a special edition of the Paddy O’Shea’s weekly quiz

As usual, you can test your brain against Paddy O’Shea’s quiz master Jo, who will deliver six rounds of brainteasers. The top team of each round gets a prize while the overall winners enjoy a one-minute open bar spree.

You can also test your luck with a mystery draw. The draw pool starts with two cases of Tiger beer. Every time Paddy O”Shea’s sells rmb300 worth of tickets or picklebacks* at rmb20 each, the crowd votes on opening one of six “mystery” boxes on display.

Each box contains a prize worth at least 300 yuan to be added to the draw. The more tickets and picklebacks bought, the more prizes to be given out at the end of the night.

Even better, all tickets will also be entered into the maovember draw scheduled for the Paddy O’Shea’s Mustache Bash on November 28. That night will include live music, a DJ, election of a mustache king and a mustache queen, and a grand prize of a magnum of Champagne.

The quiz starts at 8:30 PM on Wednesday. The entry fee for the quiz is rmb100 per team and includes a round of welcome shots All proceeds from entry fees, draw tickets and picklebacks go to maovember and its mission to fund cataract surgeries in rural China.

maovember 2014 paddy o'shea's mystery draw

Funk Fever at Migas Raises 3500 Yuan for Maovember


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Migas got out the funky tunes, fake mustaches and pickle juice last night for a Funk Fever party to support maovember. Between get-down sessions on the dance floor, patrons knocked back ‘Triple Soul Specials‘ — shots of tequila and Migas pickle juice chased by Heineken — at 50 yuan per pop, all proceeds to maovember. They also dressed up in wigs and fake mustaches and posed in front of a maovember backdrop specially made by Jeff Hinson for the event. Making things even better, Migas donated a cut of the door fee. The event raised a total of 3500 yuan for maovember. Special thanks to Kenny Lew for donating beer.

Maovember Tri-Nations Wine Tasting Tops 3000 Yuan



Wine fans donated 300 yuan each last night for a tri-nations tasting organized by wine importer La Cava de Laoma and blog Grape Wall of China. Attendees tried several flights of three wines, each including an Argentine, Chilean and Chinese wine, at the La Cava shop in Sanlitun SOHO. They also each received a ticket to today’s Hilton Beijing Food & Wine Fair (11 AM to 7 PM) for further tasting!

The wines were donated by La Cava de LaomaBeijing Quilmes Trading Company, Kanaan Winery,  Wangzhong Winery and Grape Wall. Tickets were donated by Hilton Beijing while snacks were donated by Gung Ho Pizza. Special thanks to Andrew Maidment of Wines of Argentina for support. The total raised was 3300 yuan.

maovember 2014 la cava wine tasting (2)

Tonight: Funk Fever for Maovember. Plus Q&A…


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Funk Fever at Migas tonight will include tunes from DJs Bite-Size Buddha, Perman, and Wesley, a maovember backdrop where you can dress up in wigs, fake mustaches and more and take photos, and the “Triple Soul Special” — a whisky or tequila shot, an optional pickle juice shot and a Heineken chaser — at 50 yuan, with all proceeds to maovember.

The party kicks off at 10 PM and the idea is to announce the drink special at midnight and 1 AM. Also, a percentage of the 50 yuan door fee will go to maovember. Funky!

I asked Migas’ music director Jeff Hinson about a few things funky and / or mustache-y:

What are the three best funk songs for the discerning mustache wearer?

I Can’t Go For That” by Hall & Oates — and check out John Oates proper smooth mustache. James Brown’s “Give It Up or Turn It Loose“, for the wilder mustache grower. Finally, Marvin Gaye’s “Got To Give It Up“, for a bit of both worlds.

Who on the Migas staff has the best mustache-growing potential, and why?

Fellow Funk Fever founder Perman. He’s half-Persian, half-German, but all mustache baby!

What kind of experience can first-time Funk Fever attendees expect?

At nearly six years of age, Funk Fever is a Beijing institution, full of good vibes, with the best of Motown, Funk, Disco, Reggae and Classic Hip Hop. This is the party that mixes fun with nostalgia.