Do you consider yourself a walk star? Then sign up for our 42-km “mao-a-thon” this Saturday. It’s a walk in the park. Ritan Park.
The mao-a-thon is inspired by Mike Wester and his Maovember 2017 feat of walking 900 km in 30 days. This time around it’ll just be one day and 42 km / 28 laps of the park.
How to participate? Find some sponsors! They could sponsor you for say 1 kuai or 2 kuai or 5 kuai or [insert amount here] per km. If they sponsor you 1 kuai and you finish the 42 km circuit, you collect 42 kuai, with 100 percent going to our partner The Library Project, which has furnished over 2,000 libraries in rural schools.
We also have several relay teams. For example, four people each take turns walking, which means about 10.5 km per person. That also means four times as many people getting sponsors!
If you’re interested in joining the walk, please contact us via nihao (at) or use this QR code to join our dedicated WeChat group.

Finally, here are some photos of Mike Wester’s epic one-day 70-km walk in Ritan Park two years ago. I hope the weather is this nice on Saturday!